Zoë is a Canadian-born creative communicator, ruthless organizer, dark humorist and lover of color. After graduating from The Alberta University for the Arts, she began a career in marketing and communications. Over a decade later, she now consults full-time with a focus on human-centred design and mental health. The throughline between her professional and artistic practice is a desire to create work that is accessible and meaningful.  

As a human herself, Zoë knows first-hand that life is relentlessly multifaceted; unreasonably painful at times and hilariously absurd. She lives in a perpetual state of makerhood and has a penchant for weaving things into existence out of materials laying in plain sight. Zoë’s creative practice is focused on finding beauty and humour in the everyday, even in the midst of life's challenges. And yes she has always been like this.

Zoë now lives in Berlin, Germany with her silly husband and their robot vacuum. She works remotely and is not bound by time or space.

Connect with her today. hello@zoeiscreative.com